Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Virtual Friendship

Posted in Uncategorized on august 8, 2010 by olumeascunsa

Hm..Friendship it’s everything for me.And maybe exist ‘true friends’.But I know that I have the best friends in this world.
All starts in a day by summer,when I met 2 amazing girls : Noey & Andreia.Gosh,I love you,girls.

Noey,I know that always I can talk with you,about everything,and thank you for everything.Our conversation are the best.Te Quiero Mas Bestie <3.

Andreia,you are always here for me,and u know that I’m here for you.I don’t have words to explain what I feel.You’re a true friend,barbie.Sometimes you can be veeery crazy.And Amo-Teee! ❤

Before,I met other girl,Mariana.

Even of our fights,I still love you.I miss our crazy conversation.You’re amazing.Jerk,I love you.

Ohh..In November I met Sabrina.She it’s fucking important for me.

I looove youu Sab ❤ I know that you’re a great friend.And we always laughs.Youu’re crazy,like me (aa’.Youu’re my Agent 007. And when we watch ‘Garcea’ you made my day.

Tee Iubeesc iubiree ❤

Intrebari fara raspuns…

Posted in Uncategorized on iulie 16, 2010 by olumeascunsa
De ce viata trebuie sa fie asa de…curva cu mine.Oare chiar merit atata suferinta?

De ce nu pot zambi?De ce nu pot sa rad,sa ma bucur de copilarie,sa ma bucur de libertatea care inca o mai am?De ce?

De ce cand ai nevoie de cineva,toti te lasa balta?

De ce ma simt asa singuri cand,avem o multime de lumea langa noi?

De ce aceasta singuratate,ma apasa mai tare?

De ce toata lumea spune ‘Nu-mi pasa‘ cand defapt ei mint?

Oare exista cineva,care sa-mi vrea binele in lumea asta?

Oare cineva se gandeste la mine?Oare-i pasa de mine,de ceea ce simt?

Oare este cineva pe lumea asta care sa ma iubeasca asa cum sunt?

Tell me why does it hurt so bad ? :-<

Am 1000 de intrebi dar nici un raspuns!